Does Microtargeting Work?
Evidence from a Survey Experiment during the 2020 US Election
Musashi Jacobs-Harukawa
Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford
CESS Colloquium, 3 Nov 2021
Objective : estimate effect of political microtargeting.
Design : Two-stage survey experiment with allocation mechanism as treatment.
Result : Among unaligned respondents who had not pre-voted, targeting:
Increased proportion anti-Biden by 8.7 percentage points .
Decreased proportion intending to vote Biden by 7.1 percentage points .
Tailoring : constructing a message so that it appeals to a specific audience.
Targeting : delivering the message so only the intended audience sees it.
Micro- : on the basis of individual characteristics.
Rise of data-driven political campaigning in the past decade (Fowler et al 2021)
Creates various legal (Wood and Ravel 2017) and ethical (e.g. Burkell & Regan 2019) issues.
Many of these arguments presume that micro-targeting works :
“micro-targeting of voters can pay very handsome electoral dividends for a relatively modest investment” (Krotoszynski Jr. 2020).
Research on psychometric profiling indicates that improvements should be possible (Zarouali et al 2020)
But extant political science research casts doubt (Nickerson and Rogers 2020)
Decade of political science research finds largely small/null effects of campaigns (Kalla and Broockman 2018)
Coppock et al (2020) find lack of heterogeneity that leaves little room for targeting to operate .
If ad effects are small and homogeneous, then how can targeting yield any benefits?
Does (micro)targeting work?
Note that in this context, I take “micro” to mean on the basis of individual traits, as opposed to group-level data.
Design Summarized
Stage 1
N = 1500
5 ads
Random allocation
5 algorithms trained on stage 1 data learn:
Biden fav. = f(ad, traits)
Best algorithm uploaded
Stage 2
N = 900
Allocate ad that minimizes Biden favorability
“They Mock Us”
In-group: Clinton and Biden mocking
“Why did Biden let him do it?”
Hunter Biden’s ostensible corruption
“Biden will come for your guns”
2A; Biden will steal guns
Biden: Black Trump supporters not Black
“Real Leadership”
Obama/Biden caused wars, neglected veterans
Demographic (5 items)
Income Group
Political (4 items)
News interest
Is country on right track?
Partisanship (1-7 Dem/Rep)
Ideology (1-5 L/R)
Note : expectation that online advertisers (e.g. Facebook) able to infer these traits with high degree of accuracy.
Five Candidate Algorithms
Chosen for speed and ability to learn highly conditional relationships:
*Random Forest (RF)
Gradient Boosted Decision Trees (GBDT)
Multi-Layer Perceptron Regressor (MLPR)
Support Vector Machine (SVM)
Trump and Biden Favorability (1-5)
Voting Intention:
Already voted (Trump/Biden/Other)
Do not intend to vote
Targeting anti-Biden ads decreases:
Biden favorability
Intent to vote Biden
Intent to vote (turnout
Versus group that receives ad at random
All hypotheses tested conditional on partisanship (motivated reasoning)
Pre-treatment covariate balance check.
Multiple comparisons correction (Holm, Benjamini-Hochberg).
Variety of operationalizations of outcome (linear, binary, ordered categorical)
Pre-experimental power check using Coppock et al (2020) data (along with permutation test for bias in mechanism).
Proportion of ads varies between stages.
Effect can be decomposed:
“Better Allocations”: leveraging within-respondent heterogeneity to increase average effect
“Better Ads”: more of better ads shown
Targeting vs simple A/B testing.
Survey response vs vote choice
Convenience sample
Possible confounding due to sequential assignment.
“Black box” approach
Envelope Calculation
7.1pp decrease in unaligned voters voting Biden
Sufficient to change outcome in Arizona (35.1% unaligned, 0.3% margin)
Unrepresentative sample
I argue consistent with results of Coppock et al. (and others).
Difference may be due to ML search of covariate space to maximise effect.
In future, necessary to consider within-respondent heterogeneity?
What We Learned
Possible to increase the effectiveness of ad campaigns with (micro)targeting.
Creates bad incentives for data harvesting
Targeting negative ads = manipulative?
Follow-Up: Fixes
Setting : US 2022 mid-term elections
Fixes :
Stage 1 as training-only (avoid confounding)
General appeal and GOTV ads as control.
Increase , exclude partisan respondents.
Follow-Up: Additions
How does priming respondents to presence of targeting moderate effect of targeting?
Do existing “warnings” have any effect?
Would a stronger disclosure have an effect?
How can this be used for better regulation of online ads?
Other Applications
Dynamic optimal allocation:
Continuously updating adaptive treatment design?
Idea: maximising sample efficiency for estimating HTEs in multi-intervention studies.
Bonus: Technical Implementation
Built/hosted website on AWS Lightsail instance running Linux/Nginx/PHP/MariaDB (LEMP) stack.
Responses sent real-time to to server-side kernel and db.
Python kernel API modified Jupyter interface.
Kernel hosts pre-trained algorithm, sends best ad back.
PHP generates webpage to contain assigned video.
Source code available:
Resume presentation
Does Microtargeting Work? Evidence from a Survey Experiment during the 2020 US Election Musashi Jacobs-Harukawa Department of Politics and International Relations, University of Oxford CESS Colloquium, 3 Nov 2021