Introduction to Python for Social Science

Lecture 4 - Data Visualization

Musashi Harukawa, DPIR

4th Week Hilary 2021


Last Week

  • Advanced Data Operations
    • Applying Functions to Vectors and Matrices
    • Grouped Summaries
    • Concatenating and Merging Data

This Week

  • This week we finally get to a fun topic: data visualisation.
  • There’s more to data visualisation than I could possibly cover in 90 minutes
  • I focus on static, two-dimensional visuals
    • These are the kind that you are most likely to use.

Theory & Motivation

Visual Summaries as an Aid

  • Returning to the theme of this course, the aim of much of data science is to understand the whole picture of your data.
  • If you can do this without reading your entire dataset, all the better!
  • When making data visuals, I think it’s helpful to remember that they are, in many ways, a form of summary.
  • Visualising data is not just about communicating results; it is also a powerful tool for you to understand important features of your own data.

Motivating Example

x1 x2
count 300.000000 300.000000
mean 4.048335 4.066768
std 4.145384 3.908675
min -2.304990 -6.892820
25% 0.102002 1.528010
50% 3.389367 4.125494
75% 8.039512 6.871554
max 11.230459 16.889281

Motivating Example

The same data

From Data Types and Structures to Visualisation

Data Types/Structures

The type and structure of your data tells you what type of figure you need:

  • Number of Dimensions
  • Ordered or Unordered?
  • Discrete or Continuous?

Visuals on a Two-Dimensional Medium

Most figures are created on a two-dimensional plane, where the dimensions are usually referred to as X (width) and Y (height).

These axes are the most versatile; they can be used to plot any kind of variable. The only trade-off is the overall size of the figure is determined by these two dimensions.

One-Dimension: Distributions

Visuals for one-dimensional data tend to be concerned with distributions; i.e. frequencies of values along some dimension.

Useful plots include:

Two-Dimensions: Relationships

Visuals for two-dimensional data often fulfil one of the following two purposes:

  • Comparing distributions
  • Plotting functions

In addition to all of the aforementioned plots, some examples of the latter include:

  • Scatter plot
  • Line plot
  • Bar plot

Three-Dimensions and Higher: Levels

  • While it is possible to draw plots that have a third, z axis, to show depth on a screen, I personally do not think it is very readable.
  • There are many ways to vary visual elements to intuitively convey variation along further axes.

Showing Variation with Color

Colors can show variation along a multitude of data types.

  • Discrete colors can differentiate unordered, discrete categories.
  • Gradiated colors can represent ordered, continuous variation.

Showing Variation with Panels

Panelling is the use of multiple sub-plots within a single figure.

  • Panelling can only show variation along a discrete variable.
  • The order of the plots can be used to show variation along an ordered, discrete variable.

Other Ways of Showing Variation

Colors and panelling are not the only means.

  • Shapes can be used to show categorical variation.
  • Size/thickness and transparency can be used to show continuous variation.


When visualising data, ask yourself the following questions, then look through galleries to get an idea of what could work for you.

Are you:

  • Making a comparison between groups?
  • Trying to show conditional relationships between variables?
  • Exploring your own data?


Two Libraries

  • matplotlib is the primary library for building data-based visuals in Python.
    • Requires a lot of explicit commands to get it to look good, but allows for nearly complete customisation of all aspects.
  • seaborn is a more recent library, built on top of matplotlib.
    • Provides fast and convenient methods for most figures you will ever need.
  • Both libraries can be used in conjunction.

The Anatomy of a Data Visual

On the back end, all matplotlib-based visuals adhere to a similar tree-like structure. By learning this structure, you can locate and customise any element of a figure.

The Matplotlib Hierarchy

Here is a truncated version of the matplotlib hierarchy:

  • Figure
    • Figure-level Methods (e.g. Title)
    • Axes (Subplots)
      • Subplot-level Methods (e.g. sub-title)
      • Graphical functions
        • Graphical primitives (shapes)
      • Axis pairs (x-axis and y-axis)
        • Axis labels
        • Axis ticks
          • Location
          • Labels
      • Legend


The figure is essentially the “canvas” upon which all visuals are made. Some parameters/methods set at this level include:

  • Total size (in pixels)
  • Super-title
  • Saving to file

Axes (Subplots)

Subplots are the frames within which individual visuals are contained.

Most drawing methods are called at the subplot level:

  • Plotting (drawing the graphical objects)
  • Individual plot labels
  • Legends

Graphical Functions

matplotlib and seaborn provide an enormous number of plotting functions. These functions:

  • Take one or more equal-length vectors as inputs (the data).
    • This data may be in long- or wide-format.
  • Draw objects accordingly to the relevant subplot
    • If the function is a matplotlib function, you should call it as a method of the relevant subplot.
    • If the function is a seaborn function, and there is more than one subplot, then you should pass the relevant subplot as a parameter to the function.

Customisable Aspects

Graphical objects take a large number of customisable parameters, such as:

  • Color
  • Transparency
  • Line/dot style

X and Y Axis

Subplots have xaxis and yaxis methods. Call these to customise the following aspects:

  • Ticks (the little notches along the axes)
    • Spacing/interval
    • Labels
      • Text
      • Orientation
    • Top/Bottom, Left/Right
  • Axis labels

Anatomy, Again, with Examples


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8))

This does not create any visible objects, but it lays down the canvas that other things will go onto.


  • Most of the plotting functionality is within the pyplot module of matplotlib.
  • The output of plt.figure has been assigned to a variable, f. This will be our means of accessing the figure and its methods.
  • The parameter figsize=(15, 8) has been passed to plt.figure. This tells matplotlib to create a canvas that is 1500x800 pixels.

Axes (One Subplot)

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 8))
f.suptitle("This is a figure with a subplot")
ax.set_title("This is a subplot", color="r")
Figure with 1 Subplot

Axes (Two Subplots)

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(15, 8))
f.suptitle("This is a figure with two subplots")
ax[0].set_title("This is a subplot", color="r")
ax[1].set_title("This is another subplot", color="r")
Figure with 2 Subplots

Axes (Subplot Grid System)

f, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(15, 8))
f.suptitle("This is a figure with four subplots")
for i in range(2):
    for j in range(2):
        ax[i][j].set_title(f"Subplot [{i}][{j}]", color="r")
Figure with Four Subplots

Graphical Functions (Scatter)

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 8))
ax.scatter(data['x2'], data['x1'], color='r')
Scatter Plot

Graphical Functions (Line)

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(15, 8))
ax.plot(np.linspace(0, 10, 100), np.linspace(0, 5, 100), color='r')
Line Plot

Combining Graphical Functions (Scatter + Line)

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))
ax.scatter(data['x2'], data['x1'], color='r', s=3)
ax.plot(np.linspace(-10, 20, 150), np.linspace(-3.5, 4, 150)**2)
ax.axhline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5, ls="--")
ax.axvline(0, color='k', alpha=0.5, ls="--")
Line and Scatter Plot

Adding Axis Labels

ax.xaxis.set_label_text("X-Axis Label", color='r')
ax.yaxis.set_label_text("Y-Axis Label", color='r')
Custom Axis Labels

Customising Tick Locations (Manual)

ax.xaxis.set_ticks(range(-10, 40, 10))
ax.yaxis.set_ticks(range(-4, 25, 2))
Manually Adjusted Ticks

Customising Tick Locations (Automatic)

Manually Adjusted Ticks

Customising Tick Labels/Orientation

f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 4))
sns.boxenplot(bes_df['region'], bes_df['Age'], ax=ax)
ax.xaxis.set_ticklabels(ax.xaxis.get_ticklabels(), rotation=30)
Rotated Tick Labels

Histogram (One Category)

Histogram (Two Categories)

Box and Whisker Plot

Swarm Plot (One Category)

Swarm Plot (Multiple Categories)

Violin Plot (One Category)


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