Introduction to Python for Social Science

Lecture 2 - Data Structures and Pandas I

Musashi Harukawa, DPIR

2nd Week Hilary 2021


Last Week

  • What is Python, and what can I use it for?
  • Tools for writing, testing and running Python code
    • Opening up JupyterLab/Notebooks/IPython
    • Executing code in Jupyter, etc.
  • First steps in coding
    • Data Types
    • Data Structures

This Week

This week we will continue talking about data:

  • Structuring our observations
  • Representing this data on a computer
  • Using pandas for data analysis

Methodological Motivation and Background

Thinking About Data

We can think of a data point as having two properties:

  1. Value
  2. Relation (to other values)

Data Structures

Three Ways of Structuring Data:

  • Graph
  • Tree (Hierarchical)
  • Tabular


  • Graphs are constructed of nodes (vertices) and edges.


  • A tree is a type of graph with a number of properties
  • Commonly used to represent hierarchical data structures, such as nested sets or dependency/flow diagrams.

Tabular Data

  • Tabular data consists of an ordered arrangement of rows and columns.
  • A common example is a spreadsheet.
  • In this class will often be referred to as a matrix \(\mathbf{X_{ij}}\) of \(i\) observations of \(j\) variables.
    • Note all columns must be of equal length (\(i\)), and all rows must be of equal length (\(j\)).

Coercing Data Structures

Here’s a challenge:

  • How would you structure the information given by your family tree in a tabular data structure? What would be the columns (variables) and rows (observations)?

Extra challenge:

  • Could you do this without NAs?


  • In reality, processes we observe are rarely tabular.
    • Some observations may have special characteristics that others do not. (\(j\) is not equal for all \(i\))
    • There may no be inherent ordering in our observations, or the characteristics (\(i\) or \(j\) are not orderable).
    • Observations may be nested within other observations (e.g. tweets, retweets and replies).

Take Away

  • When we receive or generate tabular data, we should keep in mind the data-generating process and decide whether we are systematically losing information that is relevant to our model.
  • Trade-offs and subjective decisions are always necessary; make these clear and do your best to justify them.


Data Formats

  • Data analysis is usually done in-memory.
  • We use a variety of data formats to store information on disk.
  • The representation of data in these two mediums is different, but most data analysis software provides methods for reading in and writing out data.
  • This process is not entirely trivial; different formats use different data types. Some potential pitfalls:
    • Incompatibility: data in one format may not work with some software.
    • Silent casting: data may change in unpredictable ways when converted between formats and programs.

On-disk Formats

Format Structure Built-in Types Human-Readable Compatibility
csv Tab No Yes Any
json Hier/Ord Yes Yes Any
xls(x) Tab/Rel Yes No Excel
dta Tabular Yes No STATA
HDF5 Hier/Tab Yes No C, Java, Python, R
Feather Tab Yes No Python, R

Human-Readable Formats

csv (“comma separated-values”) is an extremely common tabular data storage format.

  • Values are delineated by a special character, usually a comma.
  • Has no built-in data types; this needs to be inferred by the parser.

json (JavaScript Object Notation) is also extremely common, especially when using web data.

  • Stores information as a mixture of key-value pairs and arrays (think dicts of lists).
  • Working with json usually requires us to coerce hierarchical data to tabular data.

Closed-source Binary Formats

xls(x) and dta

  • xls(x) is the format used by Microsoft Excel

  • If there is only one sheet, then this is tabular and essentially equivalent to csv.

  • If there are multiple sheets, pandas represents it as a list of tabular data frames.

  • dta is the format used by STATA.

  • More common in social sciences, but essentially unheard of in professional contexts.

  • May be preferred for compatibility with STATA, otherwise would not recommend.

Data Science-Specific Formats

HDF5 and Feather

  • HDF5 is a commonly-used data storage format in data science, but not in academia.

  • Has a lot of nice properties, including efficient compression and fast reading.

  • Feather was created by Hadley Wickham and Wes McKinney as a fast, consistent and convenient data storage format for cross-usage between R and Python.

  • I highly recommend this if you work a lot with R and Python, or want to use both in the same project.


  • In industry, database management systems (DBMS) are used to store and query large quantities of data in a reliable way.
  • SQL-compliant databases are a common type. SQL is a database managing and querying language.
  • If your research requires you to constantly be collecting data and ensuring its reliability, you should opt for a DBMS instead of one of the filetypes mentioned above.


The Hard Truth About Data Science…

pandas is a very popular library for working with tabular data structures in Python. Before we start using it, let’s go over some of the ways it can be useful to you as a social science researcher.

  • Analysis usually takes <30% of your time.
  • >50% of your time will be spent reading, cleaning, checking, storing, and cursing your data.
  • Data cleaning is meticulous work, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be efficient.

Advantages of pandas

  • provides fast, flexible data structures
  • extensive array of convenient functions
  • compatible with most data science libraries and data types

When you should not use pandas

  • Your data is not coercible to a tabular structure.
  • When your dataset is too large to load in your computer’s memory (or loading it uses most of your RAM).

Data I/O

pandas comes with functions for reading and writing to all kinds of data formats. A quick list can be viewed using tab completion:

In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: pd.read_<TAB>
 read_clipboard() read_hdf()       read_sas()
 read_csv()       read_html()      read_sql()
 read_excel()     read_json()      read_sql_query()
 read_feather()   read_msgpack()   read_sql_table()
 read_fwf()       read_parquet()   read_stata()
 read_gbq()       read_pickle()    read_table

Coding Tutorial

Today, we learn about the following in pandas:

  • Data I/O
  • Understanding the DataFrame and Series
  • Indexing and Slicing
  • First look at the data
  • Summary functions

Data I/O

  • As seen earlier, pandas has methods for reading in data from various formats.
  • A strength of learning a library like pandas is that we can analyse tabular data regardless of the source format.

Understanding DataFrame and Series

  • pandas contains two native data containers:
    • pandas.DataFrame: A two-dimensional* labelled matrix
    • pandas.Series: A one-dimensional labelled array

*Can be higher-dimensional with the use of hierarchical indices

Indexing and Slicing

  • The most fundamental action in data analysis is the ability to “select” elements within your dataset.
  • With tabular data, we usually want to select some rows, some columns, or specific cells.
  • pandas data frames have explicit (named) row- and column-indices, as well as implicit indices because they all elements are ordered and named. We will learn methods for leveraging both.

First Look at the Data

  • When working with data, your first step should always be getting to know the data. Ask questions like:
    • What are the dimensions of the dataset?
    • What information is contained in the columns? in the rows?
    • How is my data organised? (Long/tidy vs. wide format)
    • What data types are each of the columns? Is this expected?
    • How sparse is my data? (Looking for NAs)
  • There’s nothing worse than trying to debug code that’s taken hours to write only to discover that the problem lies in your data!

Summary Functions

  • Part of the function and appeal of data analysis is to reduce millions of data points to a few summary numbers that capture key information that you are looking for.
  • Summary functions do this: they summarise a large number of observations to one or a few values that tell you what you need to know. They are also known as statistics.
  • Basic examples include mean, sum, variance, skew, but also more advanced statistics such as regression coefficients, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, and even the output of machine learning algorithms!


The following sections of Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy and IPython, 2nd edition are relevant to this lecture:


  • 5.*: Getting Started with pandas
  • 6.*: Data Loading, Storage and File Formats
  • 7.1-2: Data Cleaning and Preparation


  • 7.3: String Manipulation (regex covered in further weeks)
  • 12.1: Categorical Data

Blog Posts:

  • Pandas Data:
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